Our Pharmacy Management System is a software application that helps your pharmacy’s overall productivity with tools to simplify workflow, process claims, manage inventory, thus delivering better care through a more efficient and automated process.


Pharmacy stores/chains competing for growth in the face of significant competitive challenges, face a dire need to improve productivity (to cope with the severe shortage of trained pharmacy staff) and revenue (in the light of reducing reimbursements from insurance and government). To address these challenges, the need is for streamlined operations aligned with their business objectives. So selecting the right system can provide a definitive competitive edge in the marketplace.

At iFhaja, we strongly believe that our Pharmacy Management Systems must work unfailingly, flawlessly and seamlessly in complex multi-store, cross-geography environments to enable drugstore chains to operate efficiently and profitably. Matching your requirements and ambitions, our offered system can be centralized with Corporate as the hub and client terminals at the stores as spokes. In contrast, we also offer standalone store-driven system where frequent connectivity with headquarters is not essential, or even a combination of the two.

Our dedicated team of highly trained and qualified System Analysts, Software Developersand other experts can customize this software to meet your needs and hencepromises cost reduction,smoothen workflow, improved performance, real-time reporting, grouping of prescriptions, point of sale (POS), order-to-promise, order/inventory managementetc.

Available Features/Functions/Modules

Our system offers the following features;

  • Reports generation related to Sales/Purchase/Stock invoices, histories, stock flow, patient/product history
  • Production of Inventory/Stock versus sale/prescription reports
  • Exportingreports to spreadsheet software to analyze the buying patterns of a customers
  • Tracking purchase history of the customers and analyze opportunities for up-selling and cross-selling in future/season
  • Can be run on Network
  • Online Integration